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Completing Easy Achievement Diary: Journey to 99 in Non-Combat Stats

Sep-12-2024 PST

Welcome to the world of Old School RS (OSRS), our level three Skiller. This account, starting from scratch, has taken on a unique challenge: to achieve level 99 in all non-combat stats, with Slayer as an exception. Our focus here is on skilling, bypassing the traditional PvM (Player vs. Monster) and PvP (Player vs. Player) content that typically dominates the OSRS experience. Today, we're diving into a new challenge: training Slayer by completing every possible easy achievement diary.


The Level Three Skiller Concept


The concept of a level three Skiller revolves around avoiding combat altogether. Instead, these accounts focus on non-combat skills, which can range from gathering and processing resources to crafting and smithing. The beauty of this playstyle is the freedom from the usual grind of combat-based experiences, allowing players to immerse themselves in the rich skilling aspects of OSRS.


Setting the Stage: Why Achievement Diaries?


Achievement diaries in OSRS are a series of tasks players can complete for various rewards, including experience lamps, which grant experience in specific skills. For a level three Skiller, these diaries offer a rare opportunity to train Slayer—a combat skill—through indirect means. By completing achievement diaries, earns antique lamps that can be used to train Slayer, bypassing the need for traditional combat methods.


Starting from Scratch


Before diving into the diaries, needs to prepare. The first step is visiting the Varrock Museum to clean some finds and receive antique lamps that will help boost Slayer experience. The lamps earned from the diaries require level 30 Slayer as a base, so this initial preparation is crucial.


The Art Easy Diary


The Art Easy Diary is relatively straightforward, with the primary exception being the need to enter the Combat Training Camp. This involves killing a level 13 mner, which means will need to use poison dynamite for the first time. Poison dynamite is a unique tool for level three skillers, allowing them to inflict damage without direct combat.


First experience with poison dynamite is both exhilarating and challenging. With a slight range bonus and the right equipment,  completes the Biohazard quest, making progress on the easy achievement diary.


The Desert Easy Diary


The Desert Easy Diary presents a few more hurdles, such as killing a vulture, opening a sarcophagus, and collecting potato cactus. To access pyramid plunder, must first complete Gertrude’s Cat quest. This quest provides a kitten and some cooking experience, setting the stage for further diary completion.


With a little more questing and preparation, navigates through the desert tasks. While the diary presents a few challenges, such as dangerous areas and high-level monsters, strategically uses his lamps and dynamite to stay on track. The antique lamp from the desert diary contributes significantly to Slayer experience, closer to his goal.


The Fedor Easy Diary


The Fedor Easy Diary is relatively simple compared to others. It involves tasks like killing a duck and completing Doric’s Quest. With minimal difficulty, efficiently completes these tasks and gains another antique lamp, which is used to boost Slayer experience further.


The Canderand Easy Diary


The Canderand Easy Diary requires killing four elemental creatures: earth, air, fire, and water. With the right preparation and poison dynamite, tackles these elements successfully. Each elemental kill brings a sense of accomplishment, as progresses through the diary and gains another antique lamp for Slayer.


The Ganja Easy Diary


The Ganja Easy Diary is perhaps one of the most challenging diaries for a level three Skiller. It requires killing a level 53 yogur, which has a high combat level and maximum hit. Its strategy involves using poison dynamite and preparing for a potential death pile scenario.


Despite multiple setbacks and challenges, including forgetting essential items like a Tinder Box, manages to defeat the yogur and complete the diary. The antique lamp earned from this diary is a significant reward, contributing to Slayer experience.


The Kenandkeos Easy Diary


The Kenandkeos Easy Diary presents the challenge of killing a sand crab, which has a high HP and is prone to despawning. The strategy focuses on using poison dynamite effectively and managing the sand crab’s HP. With careful planning and execution, completes the task and gains another antique lamp for Slayer experience.


The Lumbridge and Draynor Easy Diary


The Lumbridge and Draynor Easy Diary is relatively straightforward, requiring tasks like killing two monsters: a cave bug and a zombie. The cave bug presents a unique challenge with its high regeneration rate, making it nearly impossible to kill with recoils. The strategy involves using poison dynamite and hoping for a successful hit.


With perseverance and a bit of luck, completes the diary and earns another antique lamp. This diary is particularly rewarding, as it allows for further progress in Slayer.


Achievements and Progress


After completing all eight easy achievement diaries, has made remarkable progress. Starting with a Slayer level of around 28 has achieved level 38 Slayer through the completion of diaries and the use of antique lamps. This progress is a testament to the effectiveness of using achievement diaries as a means of training Slayer for a level three Skiller.




journey as a level three Skiller in OSRS is a unique and challenging experience. By focusing on skilling and utilizing achievement diaries, has successfully trained Slayer without engaging in traditional combat. This approach highlights the versatility and depth of OSRS, allowing players to explore different playstyles and strategies.


If you enjoyed following the journey, please consider showing your support by subscribing to RSorder and buying OSRS Gold here. Stay tuned for more adventures and challenges as we continue to explore the world of OSRS in unconventional ways. Until next time, happy skilling!